Abstract :
Kedungpari village in Mojowarno sub-district has a challenging topography with
many sloping areas that are prone to erosion and landslides. This plan aims to design
and evaluate the performance of retaining walls using masonry as the main material.
The methods used include field survey, geotechnical analysis, stability calculation
and cost budget plan. The results of the field survey identified that the soil
conditions at the planning site consisted mainly of sandy loam with sufficient
bearing capacity for masonry construction. The retaining wall was designed using
river stone masonry technique, which was chosen due to the availability of local
materials, more economical cost, and good ability to drain water thus reducing
hydrostatic pressure behind the wall.Stability analysis showed that the masonry
retaining wall was able to withstand lateral loads and prevent soil displacement,
with a factor of safety obtained of more than 1.5. The wall design also included an
effective channel system to prevent water accumulation behind the wall that could
cause overpressure.It is concluded that the masonry retaining wall in Kedung Pari
Village not only meets the technical and safety requirements, but also provides a
sustainable and economical solution. Recommendations for implementation
include regular monitoring of the wall structure and channel system as well as
regular maintenance to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the retaining wall.