Abstract :
Conflict is an area of power struggle that relies on interests and authority, so that conflict has the potential to give rise to conflict between groups and groups. Conflict is closely related to political contestation in various electoral hierarchies from central to regional, including the election of village heads which is the smallest struggle for authority in the hierarchy but has major implications for national development. Conflict dynamics in village elections also occurred in the villages of Ngudirejo, Diwek, Jombang during their implementation, especially during the era of the incumbent village head from 2007, 2013 and 2019. This research used qualitative methods with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observations and documents, while determining informants was carried out using purposive techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis uses a qualitative analysis model with data validity techniques using triangulation. The results of the research found the dynamics of conflict between the village head and village officials: (1) The dynamics of conflict occurred in the process of the Pilkades competition and will continue after the implementation of the Pilkades in various forms, especially those seen related to the weakening of social relations in the community, both disrupting family relations and kinship. , friendship, neighbors and the community. (2) There was a transformation of conflict in the 2019 Village Head Election which stemmed from the reconciliation of the optimal performance of the village head so that full trust emerged from the community, so that it took place peacefully without conflict, even the candidate put forward was the brother-in-law of the incumbent village head, because there was no candidates who want to run, because they have full trust in the incumbent village head with all his programs and policies.
Keywords: Conflict Dynamics, Conflict Transformation, Reconciliation, Family Relations