Abstract :
Agriculture is a sector that plays a strategic role in addressing global challenges such as food
security, poverty alleviation, and economic development. Durian is a popular fruit in Indonesia,
often referred to as "The King of Fruit." It has promising prospects if developed in a business
venture, considering Indonesia's tropical climate, which is suitable for durian cultivation. One of
the areas with potential for durian production is Pangglungan Village in Wonosalam District.
The majority of the farmers in the village still practice traditional cultivation methods, resulting
in suboptimal quality and quantity. From the durian production, farmers always strive to make a
profit. The marketing of farmers' products is partly developing by using online marketing media
and relying on middlemen, resulting in the prices received by farmers being lower compared to
the selling price, and the prices farmers receive being lower compared to market prices, with the
difference between the selling price and the farmers' price being significant. The local
community continues to develop durian cultivation with the hope of earning more income
compared to other commodities such as cloves or other fruits, thereby increasing their
income.The purpose of this research is: 1) This research uses a quantitative method. Meanwhile,
the data sources used in this research are: 1) Primary and secondary data, namely through direct
interviews with farmers using the prepared questionnaire. Analysis of production income
affecting the productivity of durian farming using linear regression.To determine the factors that
influence durian farming production, it can be analyzed using multiple regression analysis.
Panglungan Village in Wonosalam District is a durian-producing village. The area of land,
seedlings, fertilizers, and pesticides affect the production of durian farming. Seedlings
significantly influence the amount of production; the more seedlings produced, the greater the
production output and the income generated. The production of bido durian farming is higher
compared to merica and obet durians. On an area of 38,500 m³, the production of bido durian is
1,005 trees with a harvest of 1,445 fruits, resulting in a total income of 5,837,000,000.