Abstract :
Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that plays a fairly important role in economic activities in Indonesia. In addition to meeting domestic needs, coffee is also one of the leading export commodities that contributes to the country's foreign exchange. Thus, it is necessary to have a marketing strategy that is used to analyze alternative marketing strategies that are appropriate in order to get more consumers and penetrate other areas. Therefore, the researcher wants to focus on discussing this research on "Analysis of Local Coffee Marketing Strategy in Pangklungan Village, Wonossalam District, Jombang Regency (Case Study on Excelsa Coffee Plantation)"with Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats (SWOT) analysis and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM).
The basic method of the research is descriptive analytical. The location of the research was conducted at the Excelsa Coffee plantation, Pangklungan Village, Wonossalam District,
Jombang Regency. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method in this study used analysis of internal and external environmental factors of the company, SWOT analysis and QSPM analysis.
The results of the study showed: (1) The IFAS score value on the internal strategy factor was 1.66 and the EFAS score value on the external strategy factor was 2.43. This figure
indicates that the Excelsa Coffee business tends to be weak but the opportunities for developing the Excelsa Coffee business are wide open. (2) SWOT analysis produces alternative strategies based on the analysis of internal and external strategic factors as follows: 1) Maintaining
product variety and marketing online with a more varied and secure payment system, 2) Registering the Kopi Excelsa business license and patenting a brand on packaging with
qualified technology to make it better known, 3) Setting different prices for B2B and B2C so that consumers who want to resell get cheaper prices than B2C consumers, 4) Setting prices by paying attention to fluctuations caused by macroeconomic factors, and 5) Improving investment in technology to be more modern and have product quality that meets the standards set for food and beverages, especially coffee commodities. (3) The order of recommended strategic priorities based on the results of the QSPM matrix analysis starting from the most important is as follows: a. Maintaining product variety and marketing online with a more varied and secure payment system, b. Registering the Kopi Excelsa business license and patenting a brand on packaging with qualified technology to make it better known. c. Setting different prices for B2B and B2C so that consumers who want to resell get cheaper prices than B2C consumers. d. Setting prices by paying attention to fluctuations caused by macroeconomic factors. e. Improving investment in technology to be more modern and have product quality that meets the standards set for food and beverages, especially coffee commodities.