Abstract :
Introduction: People with disabilities have barriers to social interaction that can affect their
lives and how psychological well-being emphasizes the importance of developing the
individual potential of adolescents with disabilities to find happiness in a meaningful life.
Therefore, people with disabilities need family social support to overcome the obstacles they
face. But in reality, parents still experience gaps in psychological well-being so that the
fulfillment and meaning of life of adolescents with disabilities in the process of growth and
development and increasing skills in being grateful and accepting the condition of children
despite having limitations. This study uses a quantitative approach that aims to examine the
correlation between family social support and psychological well-being. Methods: The study
population was adolescents with disabilities in SLB Muhammadiyah Jombang. The sampling
procedure in this study used the Total Sampling technique. The research sample was 30 people.
Measuring instruments of family social support variables using scales. Psychological well?being variable measuring instrument using a scale as well. Results: The results of hypothesis
testing using Product moment correlation from Karl Pearson obtained a correlation coefficient
of rxy = 0.578 with sig. = 0.001 (sig. <0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant positive
correlation between family social support and psychological well-being in adolescents with
disabilities. This means that the higher the family's social support, the higher the Psychological
well-being of adolescents with disabilities. So the hypothesis is accepted
Keywords: Social support, Psychological Well-Being, and Disability