Abstract :
Riescha Ulliviany Wibowo, Dosen Pembimbing Mohamad Fathur R, SE.,M.Si, Wina Nurhayati, SE.,M.Si Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Darul Ulum, was born in Jombang, April 9, 1981, Local Tax Contribution to Jombang Local Revenue on 2017-2022. This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Tax Revenue on Local Own Revenue in Jombang Regency. The research methodology used in this research is quantitative research. The research approach used is a positivist approach. Regional tax data and regional original income were taken over a period of six years, from 2017 to 2022, where the data used is secondary data. There are two variables where these variables are the dependent variable (local tax) and the independent variable (local revenue). The data analysis used in this study was simple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program. The results showed that regional tax revenues had an effect on local revenue. The research result shows that constant=319827.981 is PAD number if not PPD. ?xy=1,439 is PPD regression coefficient to PAD and p=0.442 (p>0,05) shows
that PPD is not significant to predict PAD with error 1,691. R2 = 0,153 shows PPD contribution value to PAD is 15,3%. PPD unsignificant contributes to PAD with error=82380,80898.
Keywords: Tax Revenue, Original Income, Regency Government