Universitas Darul ulum
Mohamad Ainudin Prihantono, Ainudin
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
2021-08-28 02:06:34
Abstract :
Motorcycles are one of the most widely used means of transportation for everyone's activities in Indonesia. Some users of Yamaha Fiz R 110 CC motorcycle transportation think that the motors produced by motor vehicle companies are less than optimal in terms of engine performance when the engine speed is below 7000 RPM. Optimization of the pre-combustion process can improve engine performance. The membrane works based on the vacuum of the crank chamber, does not have a mechanism that is connected to the engine speed. It is hoped that this study can determine the effect of using membrane variations on power in a two-stroke engine.
This research method is experimental research (experimental research). The data analysis technique used a quantitative descriptive model. This study uses a 110 cc Yamaha Fiz R type vehicle. The independent variables are standard membrane variations (0.5 mm steel plate), type 1 (carbon 0.3 mm), type 2 (carbon 0.4 mm), and type 3 (carbon 0.5 mm). The power test was measured using a chassis dynamometer, performed three times for each membrane variation. Research data were taken at engine speed of 3,000 to 7,000 RPM with an interval of 1,000 rpm.
The results of this study found that there was an increase in the effective power of the engine on the use of variation membranes. The lowest effective engine power testing data is from membrane type 1 (carbon 0.3mm) at RPM 3000, 5000, 6000, 7000 with the results of 3,516 HP, 6,324 HP, 7,625 HP, 8,813 HP and at RPM 4000 on type 2 membrane (carbon 0.4 mm) with a yield of 4,973 HP. The highest effective engine power test data is from membrane type 3 (0.5 mm carbon) at RPM 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 with the results of 4,130 HP, 5,361 HP, 6,796 HP, 8,037 HP and 9,415 HP.
Keywords: Yamaha Fiz R 100CC, Membrane, Power, rpm.