Analysis of the Accounting Information System for Cash Receipts and Expenditures at the Kangayan Health Center, Madura.
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Universitas Darul ulum
Srihidayatul Jannah, Ita
2021-09-07 11:38:58 
Abstract :
Ita Srihidayatul Jannah : Faculty of Economics, Darul 'Ulum University, Jombang Sumenep, April 14, 2000. Analysis of the Accounting Information System for Cash Receipts and Expenditures at the Kangayan Health Center, Madura. Head of Advisory Committee : Hevi Susanti, SE., M.Si, Advisory Commission Dr. Junaedi, SE., M.Si. This research was conducted at the Kangayan Public Health Center in Sumenep Regency. This study aims to determine, analyze and explain the Analysis of Accounting Information Systems Cash Receipts and Expenditures at the Kangayan Madura Health Center. This research uses qualitative research methods which are carried out through data collection in the field using research instruments. The population in this study is all receipts from cash transactions in 2020. By using a saturated sample. Based on the results of the research on the Accounting Information System Analysis of Cash Receipts and Expenditures at the Kangayan Madura Health Center regarding the accounting information system for cash receipts at the Kangayan Health Center the system applied was quite good. This can be seen from the relevant sections starting from the registration of patients entering the puskesmas until the patient leaving the puskesmas which is equipped with several documents, such as medical records, proof of payment and receipts of deposit. As for the cash disbursement accounting information system, its application is quite effective, it can be seen from the cash disbursements using petty cash funds with the imprest system. 
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Universitas Darul ulum