Abstract :
The intersection is a transportation network that is the center of the meeting of various traffic flow movements. At intersections, traffic flow conflict points are often encountered which result in traffic jams, especially during peak hours. An example of the case in Jombang district, occurred at an unsignalized intersection at junction 3 Pasar Ngoro which connects 3 arms of the road, namely Jl. Raya Kandangan, Jl. Arjuno, and Jl. Supriadi. This location was chosen because in addition to congestion caused by conflict points of irregular traffic flow during peak hours, around the road at this intersection is also an area of shops (commercial), residential areas, and schools. The author took this title with the aim of knowing the performance of the unsignalized intersection at the 3rd intersection of the Ngoro market. The data needed from this study are: (a) primary data obtained from direct survey results in the field (b) secondary data obtained from government or private agencies. To analyze the performance of roads using the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI) method.
Based on the results of the study, it is known that the performance of traffic flow at the intersection of 3 Ngoro markets is still good/stable. With an intersection capacity (C) = 2211 cur/hour and a degree of saturation (DJ) = 0.38. Intersection 3 of the Ngoro market has a traffic delay (TLL) = 5 sec/cur, a geometric delay (TG) = 4 sec/cur, and the total delay at an intersection (T) = 9 sec/cur. And it is known that the results of the analysis of the performance of the 3 Ngoro market intersection in 5 years will have a traffic flow (Q) = 1280 cur/hour, the degree of saturation/Dj = 0.58.
Keywords: PKJI 2014, unsignalized intersection, 3 Ngoro market intersection.