Abstract :
EDO DINATA RAFID, 162322201053
The Kediri - Kertosono Toll Road construction project with a length of 20.30 km is one part of the Trans Java Toll Road project which is very useful in increasing the capacity of transportation services especially in Nganjuk Districts and Kertosono City.
At STA 17+200 there is a bridge that crosses the river with a total length of 40 m. The width of this bridge is 25,6 m consisting of 4 2-way lanes with a vehicle floor width of 3,6 m each lane and a side lane width 3,2 m with paraped as a protection for driver.
The existing condition of the bridge is planned to use PC-I girders. In the middle span with a length 40 m it is planned to use a prestressed T-Girder girder as many as 16 girders. T-Girder prestressed girds are arranged segmentally with a length of 4 m each segment and a total of 10 segments.
Loss of prestressing force that occurs in T-Girder prestressing bridges is 23,43%. Prestressed tendon required of each girder are 3 tendons with a total of 28 strands each tendon and 84 strands in overall. The requirement for non-prestressed reinforcement in profile is 30D16 for main reinforcement and D12-200 for stirrup. The largest deflection in the middle span is obtained 11 mm upward direction while the allowable deflection is 50 mm downward direction so it is mean still in safe condition.
Keywords: T-Girder, Bridge, Prestressed Concrete