Abstract :
Ivania Ardelia : Faculty of Economics, University of Darul? Ulum Jombang, February 21, 1996. Analysis of Accounting Information Systems Revenues and Expenditures Cash for Cash On Internal Control PT BPR Wijaya Prima Jombang. Chairman Supervisor : Hevi Susanti, SE.,M.Si, the Advisory Committe : Hadi Sutrisno SE.,M.Si
Bank as an institution in the field of finance, of course, in everyday activities can not be separated from the tansaction receipst and disbursements. Cash as a means of payment that liquid must be managed properly to avoid abuses over cash. Diversion of the cash can be avoided by the exustence of an accounting information system of cash receipst and payments is good. With the information systems and internal controls are satisfactory for cash, then the things that hurt the company can be avoided or at least can be limited to a minimum.
This study aimed to analyze the accounting information system cash receipts and disbursement for the internal control of cash in PT BPR Wijaya Prima. In this research, the research using descriptive qualitative data analysis methods. The results of this study is to indicate that the accounting information system cash receipts and disbursements for the internal control of cash in PT BPR Wijaya Prima is good. It is caused due to the implementation of accounting information systems cash receipts and payments are in accordance with the standard operating procedures of company. In the implementation of the procedure, any cash receipts an disbursements must be accompanied by documents that have been provided by the company as proof of the transaction. And for the internal control of cash the company carried out an external audit once a year to prevent misuse of the company?s cash.
Keywords : accounting information system of cash receipts, cash disbursements accounting information systems, internal control of cash.