Prediction Analysis of Bankcrupty in Food and Beverage Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2020 period
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Universitas Darul ulum
Wahyuni, Wiwit
2021-10-25 02:37:26 
Abstract :
The result of the study concluded that during 2016 there were 2(two) compnies in the dangerous zone, 3(three) companies in the grey zone, 5(five) companies in the safe zone. in 2017 there were 3(three) companies in the dangerous zone, 2(two) companies in the grey zone, 5(five) companies in the safe zone. in 2018 there were 4(four) companies in the dangerous, 1(one)company in the grey zone, 5(five) companies in the safe zone. in 2019, there were 3(three) compenies in the dangerous zone, 1(one) company in the grey zone, and 6(six) companies in the safe zone. In 2020 there will be 1(one) company in the dangerous zone, 5(five) companies in the grey zone, 5(five) companies in the grey zone and 4(four) companies in the safe zone. 
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Universitas Darul ulum