Abstract :
Road infrastructure development in Indonesia continues to increase every year, in this road infrastructure development project there are several important elements involved in the development itself, especially human resources. Human resources involved in an infrastructure development project are regulated and controlled in the field of management systems so that human resources in a project can be applied efficiently and effectively. in the management system section there is an Occupational Safety and Health (K3) aspect where this aspect is very necessary in a construction project in order to reduce the level of work accidents on a project. In this research, the regulatory reference base used is the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulations Concerning Occupational Safety and Health Systems (SMK3) as well as the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Regulations Concerning Occupational Safety and Health and these regulations will be reviewed again on the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health until they obtain results that are in accordance with implementation in the field with SMK3 regulations.
This research was carried out by distributing questionnaires to Tuban-Lamongan-Gresik road construction project workers. With the results of distributing questionnaires to a total of 35 respondents who had their respective roles/tasks in the construction project. Data analysis was carried out in Microsoft Excel, which then processed the data using mean calculations to determine the average value of the distribution of the questionnaire and standard deviation to measure deviations in the size of the mean which has a tendency to produce the same results with different deviations, measurement of deviations to show the high and low differences in the data obtained. .