Abstract :
Educational Support Operational Costs in schools is a program of the East Java Provincial Government through the third Nawa Bhakti Satya program, namely Smart and Healthy East Java which provides funding for personnel and non-personnel operational support costs for SMA, SMK and Special Public and Private Schools. sourced from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of the East Java Provincial Government. The research design used qualitative research with Case Study research design. Based on this, the study that we raised was how to implement the Policy for the Management of Assistance Funds for Operational Support for the Education of the East Java Provincial Government in 2020 at SMA Negeri Jogoroto. How is the decision making in the allocation of these funds and the process that has been carried out during 2020. The analysis technique uses the Interactive Model with the stages: data collection, data reduction, presentation and conclusion or verification.
Key words : Cost Of Education