pengaruh desain kerja, kemampuan kerja, dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT Bernofarm pharmaceutical company.
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Universitas Darul ulum
Prayogati, Yudha Dwi Vebi
HA Statistics 
2022-09-20 03:24:29 
Abstract :
Yudha Dwi Vebi Prayogati : Rubait Dasururi SE.,M.Si. Yudha Dwi Vebi Prayogati, Faculty of Economics, University Darul Ulum Jombang, born in Jombang, Date 2 Octobr 1999 ANALYSIS THE EFFECT OF WORK DESIGN, WORK ABILITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE PT BERNOFARM PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY. Chief Advisor Rubait Dasururi, SE.,M.Si., Advisory commission Dr.H.Muchtar SE.,M.Si. Employees are one of the determinants of a company's success in improving its performance. In order to carry out performance effectively, employees are required to improve their performance. Employees who have good performance can help the company to achieve company goals. This study aims to analyze how the influence of work design, work ability, and organizational culture on employee performance at PT. Medion Farma Jaya Mojokerto. The method used is multiple linear analysis. This study uses primary data that is questionnaire. The study population was all employees at PT. Medion Farma Jaya Mojokerto as many as 60 respondents. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that work design (X1) and organizational culture (X3) have a significant positive effect on employee performance. But work ability (X2) has not a significant positive effect on employee performance 
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Universitas Darul ulum