Policy on Funding and Working Capital Management on Profitability of Micro Enterprises in Kesamben Village
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Universitas Darul ulum
Qori'atur Rosyida, Vivit
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-09-20 06:08:47 
Abstract :
This study was conducted to examine how much influence the Funding Policy and Working Capital Management have on the Profitability of Micro Enterprises in Kesamben Village in the period 2018-2020. The total population in this study was 14 micro-enterprises, while the sample of this study used a saturated sampling technique by taking all the population as a sample, which consisted of financial statements every year during the 2018?2020 period. The technique used in this research is linear regression analysis using the f test and t test as a means of testing how much influence is given by the Funding Policy and Working Capital Management on Profitability simultaneously and partially. In this study, the analysis results show that Funding Policy has no significant effect on Profitability, Working Capital Management has a significant effect on Profitability, and Working Capital Management is considered to have a more dominant influence on Profitability than Funding Policy. Keywords: Funding Policy, Working Capital Management, Profitability 
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Universitas Darul ulum