Implementasi Kebijakan Absensi Berbasis Online Pada Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Kabupaten Jombang
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Universitas Darul ulum
Setiyati, Ninin
Ilmu Pemerintahan 
2022-09-30 02:27:57 
Abstract :
In order to realize the principles of Good Governance, the Jombang Regency Government is in accordance with the Jombang Regent Regulation Number 6 of 2007 concerning the Implementation of Working Days, Working Time and Work Clothing in Regional Work Units in Jombang Regency and Jombang Regent Regulation Number 43 of 2019 concerning the Use of Electronic-Based Attendance Lists. in the Government of Jombang Regency, implementing the use of online-based attendance. The use of online-based attendance is very effective and efficient because as a public servant requires every State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in this state agency to have a responsibility in improving its performance. The weakness of online-based attendance when the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) uses attendance cannot be detected on the fingerprint machine so that it results in a lack of electronic recording of work entry discipline. The method in this thesis is to use a qualitative approach with a research focus to find out the use of online-based attendance is very effective and efficient because as a public servant requires every State Civil Apparatus in this state agency to have a responsibility in improving its performance and the success of the program is considered quite satisfactory. This study uses data collection techniques by means of observation, documentation and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the application of online attendance still encounters several obstacles including being influenced by limited internet access and constraints on the use of finger print machines, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and the potential for lack of absenteeism. Keywords: Employee Discipline, Online Attendance, State Civil Apparatus (ASN) 
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Universitas Darul ulum