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Universitas Darul ulum
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-09-29 07:17:56 
Abstract :
With the implementation of regional autonomy the position of the Civil Service Police Unit (municipal police) becomes very important, because of its role in encouraging community participation in the process of empowerment and walvare improvement, After the 1998 reformation a new paradigm emerged that repositioned the bureaucrats? position not as ?Rulers? but as public servants with the spirit of the concept of good governance, Praja Wibawa is presented in the meaning that the government must be able to protect and serve the community. The study in this research aims to explore and analize how members of the Civil Service Police Unit (municipal police) in Jombang Regency interpret the ?Praja Wibawa? motto based on daily experience in carrying out their main, duties and function, using qualitative and Alfred Schutz phenomenological approach in the context of ?because motive? and ?in order to motive? (Schutz, 1967), the selection of informants using a purposive technique with the number of subjects as many as 10 informants. The results of this study found that there were three meanings of ?Praja Wibawa? members of the Civil Service Police Unit (municipal police) in Jombang Regency that is : The first meaning is Protector and Enforcer of the Nation, Civil Service Police are formed as Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) whose role is to Enforce Regional Regulations, Implementation of Public Order and Peace and Community Protection. The second meaning is nurturing and protecting, the Civil Service Police accept all forms of public complaints, where people feel uncomfortable and threatened that's where the Satpol PP is, through the 112 call center people in the Jombang district can report urgent events such as fires, accidents, and other circumstances. other emergencies. The third meaning is an authoritative apparatus guarding public peace and order (TIBUMTRANMAS), Regional Patrol is carried out regularly to prevent violations in the Jombang Regency area, this patrol is preventive in nature by suppressing the tendency of the community to commit acts of violation. Keywords : Meaning, Regional Goverment, Civil Service Police Unit, Peace and Order, Enforcement, Competence. 
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Universitas Darul ulum