Juridical Overview of the Relationship between the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body in Implementation Village Administration (Study in Kedunglengkong Village)
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Universitas Darul ulum
Putra Pradikatama, Aldhea
Ilmu Hukum 
2022-10-01 03:11:29 
Abstract :
The problem that is the subject of this research is how is the relationship between the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body in the implementation of Village Government in Kedunglengkong Village and the obstacle factors for the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body in carrying out development in the Kedunglengkong Village. In this study, the goal to be achieved by the author is to find out the relationship between the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body in implementing Village Government and what factors are the Obstacles to the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body in implementing Village Government. The type of this research uses normative law, while the approach to the problem in this research uses normative juridical which refers to the village government law. The type of data carried out for this study used secondary and primary data types, while the data collection techniques from this study used techniques carried out by researchers by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study were obtained if the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body in the implementation of village government were quite good, this was evident from the results of interviews from influential sources in the Village Government that the Village Government was also still carrying out their duties in accordance with the regulated provisions, but the implementation of The duties of the Village Consultative Body, which should be a forum for the aspirations of the Kedunglengkong village community, have not fully run as expected. The function of digging, accommodating, formulating, and channeling community aspirations has not been very effective, according to what researchers in the field found that, indeed, there are still some community members in Kedunglengkong Village who do not really know the duties and authorities of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), while other factors The obstacles for the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in carrying out government relations include: Community Participation, The low level of community education makes the people in Kedunglengkong Village tend to not care about their participation rights in Village Government and are reluctant to be involved in influencing public policy. The recommendation that can be received from this research is that there is a need for cooperation between the Regency government and universities, especially the Faculty of Law to provide briefing on the legal basis of Village Administration to the BPD and the village government. In addition, the importance of a good relationship between the Village Government and the community in order to realize a good and correct Village Order. 
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Universitas Darul ulum