Keefektifan Strategi Self Management Untuk Meningkatkan Disiplin Belajar Siswa MTs
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Universitas Darul ulum
Bas Mubasyir, Bas
Bimbingan dan Konseling 
2022-10-04 04:11:52 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Mubasyir, Bas, Effectiveness Of Self Management Strategy To Improve The MTs Student's Learning Discipline. Thesis, Faculty Of Teacher Training and Education, Guidance and Counseling Department, Univercity of Darul ?Ulum Jombang. Advisor : (I) Dra. Miftahul Djanah, M.Pd.I, (II) Ely Roy Madoni, M.Pd., Kons. Keywords: Self-Management, learning discipline Problem in the application of disciplined study often experienced students because they are hard to set a time to learn and disorderly. This is that inhibits the students to can apply discipline learning. Self-management is a process whereby a client directing change their behavior alone with one strategy or a combination. The purpose of this classroom action research is to examine the application of self-management strategies to improve student learning discipline. This type of classroom action research is a quasi-experimental with the type of pre-test and post-test one group design, while the research subject is the MTs Pacet class with a total of 6 students who have low learning discipline. The method used to collect data about students who are less disciplined in learning is from a self-developed questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the Wilcoxon marked level test. The results of the analysis of the level test marked with Wilcoxon indicate that the serial number with the positive sign is 21 while the negative number is 0, so there is a difference in scores between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the critical value table for the Wilcoxon level test with a significant level of 5% and N = 6, it is obtained that T. table = 1, so that T.count is smaller than T.table (0<1) meaning Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This proves that the implementation of self-management strategies can improve student learning discipline at MTs. 
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Universitas Darul ulum