Irrigation Water Needs Evaluation Study and Preparation of Cropping Patterns in Joint Irrigation Area, Bareng District, Jombang Regency
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Universitas Darul ulum
Agustin, Nur Wachidah
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-10-11 05:10:53 
Abstract :
Nama : Nur Wachidah Agustin Nim : 182322201081 Program study : Teknik sipil ABSTRACT The Bareng Weir is a permanent weir that crosses the Pakel River, this weir is located in the village together, sub-district together. The dam is planned to meet irrigation needs in the surrounding area of ??± 810 ha. Many people have failed to harvest, especially in Mojoduwur Village and Japanan Village. Of the 810 ha of land area, about 110 ha do not get irrigation water, while most of the people in Mojoduwur Village and Japanan Village are farmers. Before conducting research, one must understand the theoretical basis / study literature in order to gain insight so as to facilitate data collection. Furthermore, for data collection is divided into 2 data, namely primary data and secondary data. The total water demand in the Bareng Irrigation Area for 1 year is 10,463 lt/sec. With the maximum water demand occurring in May Periods II and III of 1,158.60 lt/s while the minimum water needs occurred in January Periods I,II,III, February Periods I,II,III, March Periods II, III, April Period I, II is 0.00 lt/sec while the average water demand for 1 year is 299.14 lt/sec. The average discharge of the mainstay of the joint weir is 364.719 lt/sec. With the maximum discharge occurring in December Period III of 1,353 lt/sec while the minimum discharge occurring in October Period II of 20,00 lt/sec. The comparison between the total discharge of the Bareng Weir and the total water demand in the Bareng Irrigation Area for 1 year is in a state of SURPLUS. The maximum water surplus occurred in January Period III of 1,158.8 lt/sec, while the minimum water surplus occurred in November Period III of 16.16 lt/sec and the average water surplus was 284.09 lt/sec. Meanwhile, the total surplus of water in one year is 10,227.35 lt/sec. The plan for the Cropping Pattern at the Bareng DI Bareng is to reduce the intensity of rice planting in MT III and replace it in MT II. From the results of the discussion, MT III can be planted with 12% Palawija, and 7% sugarcane, in MT II it can be planted with Rice 12%, Palawija 81%, and Sugarcane 7%.  Keywords : Mainstay Discharge, Water Availability, Water Balance, Cropping Pattern 
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Universitas Darul ulum