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Universitas Darul ulum
Syafius Suhada, Syafik
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-10-10 07:57:54 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN RAB (COST BUDGET PLAN) AND SOCIAL IMPACT ON CHANGING THE STRUCTURE OF OVERPASS BRIDGE TO UNDERPASS IN SIDOHARJO VILLAGE, SIDOHARJO DISTRICT, SRAGEN REGENCY Name : Syafius Suhada' Registrastion number : 172322201089 Discipline : Civil Engineering Faculty of : Engineering Name of institution : Darul Ulum University Jombang Keywords: Changes in RAB, Social Impact Sragen Regency as one of the cities passed by the Solo-Ngawi toll road is a developing city located 230 km west of Surabaya. The construction of the Solo ? Ngawi toll road which is directly connected to the Surabaya-Gempol toll road makes Sragen city a stopover city for toll road users who will travel either from ? or to the city of Surabaya as the economic center of East Java, so transportation facilities are mandatory for the government to think about for the development of the city. In this final project, the object that will be studied by the author is the analysis of changes in rab (budget plan) and social impacts on changing the structure of the bridge overpass into an underpass in Sidoharjo Village, Sidoharjo District, Sragen Regency. which is located on the Ngawi-Kertosono toll road section. Based on the studies that have been carried out, the initial design was an overpass bridge, but in its implementation it was constrained by the wishes of local residents who wanted an underpass or tunnel on the grounds that local residents, especially school children, could easily pass it because its location remained unchanged according to existing roads and there were no incline , because this road previously served as the main road for villagers to access the city as well as daily activities, including schools and others. This road will later function as a motorized vehicle crossing, four-wheeled with two lanes, one lane, two-way for the community. changes in the pattern of the bridge structure from overpass to underpass on the Ngawi-Kertosono toll road, as well as the cost (RAB) of each structure (Overpass & Underpass. This study uses a descriptive method by describing the data and conditions in the field through an article. The results of the study indicate that the social impact caused by the construction of the Overpass bridge in Sidoharjo Village is very significant, related to the mobility of residents, decreased water supply to meet agricultural land, and also other means of life, so changing the Overpass bridge into an Underpass is considered very suitable to meet the needs of the community. toll road construction needs without having to sacrifice needs. Changes in the Budget Plan become smaller, with a percentage difference of 26.56% from the initial value. Namely, the contractor can minimize the original cost of Rp. 3,812,641,339 for Overpass, to only Rp. 2,800,132,924 for the community underpass regarding their right to a decent life, and guarantees for environmental sustainability. 
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Universitas Darul ulum