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Universitas Darul ulum
Asparita, Asparita
Ekonomi Pembangunan 
2022-10-12 06:39:38 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Asparita, 2022. Supervisor Moch. Heru Widodo, SE. M.Sc., Asparita, Faculty of Economics, Darul Ulum University Jombang, Analysis of the Implementation of the Family Hope Program to improve the welfare of Beneficiary Families (in Jombang Regency. Indonesia is one of the developing countries. One of the problems of developing countries is in the socio-economic field, especially the problem of poverty. Therefore, the government needs to develop a strategy to overcome this poverty problem. In the context of household-based poverty reduction, the government launched a special program called the Family Hope Program. This program is expected to contribute to accelerating several points that are the targets of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals). In this regard, the implementation of the Family Hope Program in Jombang Regency is based on the condition of the community regarding the problem of meeting the needs of life which is still lacking. From the data obtained in Jombang Regency in 2021 the number of program recipients amounted to 55,747. And from this research the researcher aims to answer the formulation of the problem as follows: 1) How is the implementation of the Family Hope Program in Jombang Regency 2) How is the welfare of the Beneficiary Family in Jombang Regency improved? 3) Is the implementation of the Family Hope Program in accordance with the established regulations? In this regard, the implementation of the hopeful family program in Jombang Regency is based on the high number of poor households. The Family Hope Program in Indonesia began to be implemented in 2007 and is expected to be implemented continuously, at least until 2021. It is hoped that the implementation of the Family Hope Program can improve people's welfare in the fields of education and health. In this study, the theoretical basis used by the researcher is data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusions. The procedure used in this study uses a qualitative research type. In this study, researchers conducted research in Jombang Regency, East Java. From the results of the study it is known, in its implementation the target of implementing the Family Hope Program in Jombang Regency consists of the socio-economic conditions of Beneficiary Family after getting the Family Hope Program has changed, the education level of Beneficiary Family children is the quality of education in the form of activity to participate in teaching and learning activities in schools, health and nutritional status of pregnant women, postpartum mothers and children under 6 years of age from Beneficiary Family. This is evidenced by the active participation of participants to visit health facilities, as well as the fulfillment of access and quality of education and health services for Beneficiary Family. Based on the available data, it is known that the infant and maternal mortality rate has decreased. This proves that the Family Hope Program in Jombang is successful. By improving the quality of human resources from Beneficiary Family through special assistance in the fields of education and health, it is hoped that the poor in Jombang will become more prosperous. Keywords: Family Hope Program, Welfare. 
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Universitas Darul ulum