Criminal Sanctions for Minors Who Did The Theft
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Universitas Darul ulum
Hanip, Hanip
Ilmu Hukum 
2022-10-26 11:51:14 
Abstract :
Children are a gift from God who have dignity as human beings. Children are also the next generation of the nation who will lead the direction of the nation and state. With this, it is fitting for children to get special legal treatment for their welfare and development. However, in reality there are still many cases of child criminalization and lack of child protection, so that children's development becomes irregular. Based on this description, the author wants to examine criminal sanctions for minors who commit theft. In this study there are problems, namely how the legal treatment of children involved in the criminal case and how the legal protection is. In this study using a normative method, namely literature review. From this study, the results obtained are called children, with the condition that the maximum age is eighteen years and includes those who are still in the womb. It is called a child who is a perpetrator of a crime who can be held accountable, that is, if the age of the child reaches a minimum of twelve years and a maximum of eighteen years. Then regarding the sanctions given to children, it is a lighter crime than adults, namely reducing the sentence. Sanctions received by children of criminal offenders still take into account the growth and development of a child himself. This research contains Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Criminal Justice System. 
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Universitas Darul ulum