Analysis of Factors Affecting Delay Jombang Pon Market Project Development Using SPSS
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Universitas Darul ulum
Diansyah Aji Pratama, Rio
Teknik Sipil 
2023-10-26 03:58:11 
Abstract :
The Department of Trade and Industry (DISDAGRIN) of Jombang Regency has determined to build markets for its residents starting from the pound market, the tunggorono market, the silver market, the Mojoagung market, and the legi market. In this case, the Jombang Regency government through the Department of Trade and Industry (DISDAGRIN) hopes that it can be utilized by the community, especially residents of Jombang Regency to boost the economy and provide commercial activities so that citizens and the government can increase income both on the personal side and taxes and levies for local governments.This research is to find out the causes of the delay in the implementation of the Pasar Pon project in Jombang Regency and the most dominant factors influencing the causes of the delay in implementing the Pasar Pon project in Jombang Regency. The causes of delays in the Pasar Pon Jombang project are the causes of delays in the Pasar Pon Jombang project, namely Labor (X1) and Materials (X2) both of which are stated to have influence and the Financial variable (X3) is stated to have no effect on project delays. For the Labor variable the effect is 87.73%, the Material variable has a 5.03% effect and the Finance/Financial variable is 0.62% so that the R Square test result is 93.4% which has a big influence on project delays, the rest are factors that do not researched Of the three variables studied Labor (X1), Materials (X2) and Finance variables (X3) which have the most dominant influence, namely the Labor variable (X1) which is 1.009 while the Material variable (X2) is 0.117 and the Financial variable (X3) is 0.067 
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Universitas Darul ulum