the effectiveness of group counseling using sosiodrama tecniques of improving the learning of clas XI students
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Universitas Darul ulum
selviana, wida
BF Psychology 
2023-10-25 05:51:04 
Abstract :
Discipline is an important aspect of life and can be done anywhere, including in the school environment, as Gunawan (2012) has revealed that school discipline is a school's effort to maintain student behavior so that it does not deviate and can encourage students to behave according to norms, rules and regulations. the rules that apply at school. The study used an experimental research method, specifically pure experimental (true experimental), and employed the pretest posttest control group design with a quantitative approach. The population in the study consisted of 26 students in class XI MA from 1 class, with 13 students in the experimental group and 13 in the control group. The study utilized both test and non-test instruments, with the former consisting of questions aimed at increasing learning discipline, and the latter consisting of student attitudes, interviews, and observation sheets. Results of data analysis showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group. The control group that was not given treatment obtained a pretest score of 943 or an average value/ mean 72.5 and posttest score 977 or an average value/ mean 75.2. Whereas the experimental group given the counseling treatment of the Sociodrama Engineering group received a pretest score of 964 or the mean value/ mean 74.2 and the posttest score of 1061 or the mean value/ mean 81.6. From the results of the t-test calculation obtained using the SPSS version 23 program obtained tcount 10,738 at the degree of freedom (DF) 24 then compared with ttable 0.05 = 2,144, then tcount ? ttable (10,738 ? 2,144) or sig value. (2-tailed) More Small from the value of criticism 0.005 (0.000 ? 0.005), this shows that H0 is rejected and HA is accepted, thus it can be stated that group counseling services with effective sociodrama techniques to improve the learning discipline of class XI Madrasah Aliyah Al Falah Kesamben Jombang. 
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Universitas Darul ulum