Abstract :
This research aims to determine The Relationship Between Emotional Maturity and The Self-adjustment of Adolescents Living at The Bumi Damai Al Ainy II Nganjuk Islamic Boarding School. The hypothesis put forward is "there is a relationship between emotional maturity and the self-adjustment of adolescents living in Islamic boarding school". The independent variable in this research is emotional maturity and the dependent variable is self-adjustment. Data collection tools are the emotional maturity scale and the self-adjustment scale. The sample used in this research was class XI students, with the reason that the average age of class The sampling technique used in this research is Purposive Random Sampling. The total sample was 60 teenagers. Test the research hypothesis using Rho Spearman nonparametric statistics. The research results show Rho = 0.941 with sig. or p = 0.000, meaning there is a significant positive relationship between emotional maturity and the self-adjustment of adolescents living in Islamic boarding school.
Keywords: Emotional Maturity, Adjustment