Abstract :
The development of technology has entered various circles in Indonesia,
including the world of education. Starting from the educational administration process to
entering the delivery of learning materials in intracurricular and extracurricular
activities. Entering the independent curriculum which is now applied by the Minister of
Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, extracurricular activities are activities
that must be applied in schools, one of which is nature-loving activities at the high
school level, namely sispala. At the MAN 10 school Jombang recently founded a nature-
loving student organization, which runs in its 2nd year so that students are minimal
about the material to alama lovers, one of which is climbing material. In delivering the
material, there are many ways that can be applied, including in the form of an
educational game carried out through electronic media. Namely through the Android
media which is currently a communication tool that cannot be separated from teenagers
and has an impact on changes in the game world, especially for online game enthusiasts.
Such as the snakes and ladders game, which has been a game played with a game board
medium and equipped with a set of dice that can be played by 2 (two) or more players.
The research method used in this study is the System Development Life Cycle Waterfall
method which is a method for software development. The sequence in the Waterfall
Method is serial which starts from the process of planning, analyzing, designing, and
implementing the system with a structured process using use case diagrams and
Construct 2 as the software used. With the application that has been built, it is hoped
that it will be able to provide benefits for users in adding material knowledge as a
provision for mountaineering.
Construct 2 ,Snakes and Ladders Game, Mountaineering, DIKLATSAR SISPALA