Abstract :
The mustard plant (Brassica rapa var. Parachinensis L.) is a type of vegetable from the
cabbage family (Brassicaceae) which is thought to have originated from China. Mustard
greens entered Indonesia around the 17th century, but this vegetable is already quite popular
and in demand among the people (Darmawan, 2009). The mustard plant (Brassica rapa L.) is
not native to Indonesia and is thought to have come from China and entered Indonesia around
the 19th century. ? 17, but can develop in Indonesia because of the suitability of the climate,
weather and soil. This mustard plant has commercial value and good prospects. The demand
for mustard greens is always increasing along with public awareness of nutritional and health
needs. The mustard plant is included in the group of horticultural plants, a type of vegetable
whose young leaves are used and have various benefits and uses. In people's daily lives,
besides being used as food, green mustard greens can also be used for treatment (Cahyono,
2003). This research was carried out using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 2
treatment factors and repeated 3 times. The first factor is the dose of Margaflor leaf fertilizer
(M) M0: without giving Margaflor leaf fertilizer (control treatment) M1: concentration 2 cc/lt
water M2: concentration 2.5 cc/lt water M3: concentration 3 cc/lt water The second factor is
Incubation period of rice washing water (A) A0: no incubation A1: 7 days incubation period
A2: 14 days incubation period. The results of analysis of variance on the leaf number
parameter showed that there was a real interaction between the treatment of various doses of
Margaflor leaf fertilizer and the incubation period of rice washing water. For each treatment,
there was a very real influence on the dose of Margaflor foliar fertilizer on the number of
leaves and also a very real influence on the incubation period of rice washing water on leaf
number parameters. The average number of leaves due to the influence of the treatment dose
of Margaflor leaf fertilizer and the incubation period of rice washing water is presented in
Table 1. The use of Margaflor leaf fertilizer combined with rice washing water with each
incubation period provides a significant interaction on the parameters of leaf number, leaf
area and weight. fresh plants. However, the incubation period for rice washing water did not
have a significant effect on the height of the mustard greens.
Keywords: The mustard plant (Brassica rapa var. Parachinensis L.), for treatment