Abstract :
This descriptive qualitative research aims to determine the performance and
construction of Lentera Jaya Village-Owned Enterprises for Village Original
Income. This study uses financial and non-financial performance indicators.
Qualitative data, which consists of respondents' responses from questionnaires
that are then quantitative, as well as the results of interviews and documents of
Village-Owned Enterprises. The research target consists of all managers of
BUMDes Lentera Jaya and the Secretary of Karangwinongan Village. Research
shows that BUMDes Lentera Jaya is increasing every year. BUMDes experienced
an increase in capital of 71.9%, revenue of 66.3%, and profit of 32.06% in 2023.
The performance of BUMDes has been quite good, with management that always
involves the community and collaboration between the management and the
community. BUMDes is also able to build a resilient and independent community
economic institution to provide services to the community. BUMDes is a forum
to encourage the development of village communities independently and
sustainably. BUMDes is also transparent in reporting and reporting the funds
received. BUMDes also have the ability to increase PAD, with an annual
contribution of 30%. With this contribution, PAD is increasing every year.
Keywords: Performance; Contribution; BUMDes; Village Original Income