Abstract :
Ainur Rif?a Cahyaning Amarvika.2023. The effectiveness of rational emotive behavior counseling to improve self-management of MAN students. Thesis, Guidance and Counseling. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Darul 'Ulum University Jombang. Supervisor (1) Dr.Bakhrudin All Habsy, M.Pd. (2) Wisnu Kurniawan M.Pd.
Keywords: Counseling Rational Emotive Behavior, Self-Management
Self-management is an individual's ability and drive to manage time in learning activities and activities outside of school, where self-management is influenced by metacognitive, motivational and motivational aspects. behavior. Then to improve low self-management, rational emotif behavior counseling is needed in accordance with student characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine whether rational emotive behavior counseling is effective for improving self-management of MAN students.
The method used in this study is quantitative with the design of One Group Prettest Posttest Desaign. This study used a research questionnaire with a Likert scale measurement scale that had been corrected by validators, then validity and reality tests were carried out. The subjects of this study were class X MIA. Then the number of samples taken was 20 students with a sampling technique using purposive sampling techniques. The data analysis uses normality test, homogeneity test and t test using the help of SPSS 23 for windows.
The results of the research of MAN 4 Jombang students with rational emotive behavior counseling can be proven by data analysis paired sample T-test, with the results of T count 18,304 > Ttable 2,101 (sig <0.05) which means that there is Differences in Prettest and Posttest Self-Management. Before the treatment, the prettest value with an average result of 45.6 was then given treatment (posttest) getting the average result to 74.3.