Abstract :
Keywords: Group counseling with assertive techniques, Assertive skills
Madrasah Aliyah is expected to become an independent person, aware of his personal rights, and able to make decisions in accordance with Islamic values. An important aspect in the development of his personality is self-affirmation. In this case, it is expected to be able to express opinions, express emotions consistently and protect individual rights and respect the rights of others.
This study aims to determine how effective group counseling is in improving assertiveness skills in Madrasah Aliyah students. The design of this study was carried out using a quasi-experimental method approach with a pre-test and post-test design.
Based on the results of the hypothesis testing, there was a change in the average Pretest: 61.38, Posttest: 89.75, Negative Ranks N: The number of cases whose posttest value is smaller than their pre-test value. In this table, it is given the number 0 (a). Positive Ranks N: The number of cases whose posttest value is greater than their pretest value. In this table, it is given the number 8 (b). Mean Rank: The average rank for cases whose posttest value is greater than their pretest value. In this table, it is given the number 4.50. Sum of Ranks: The number of ranks for cases whose posttest value is greater than their pretest value. In this table, the number 36.00 and the Z value are -2.524. These values are the statistical values of the Wilcoxon test used to determine the relevant differences between the pretest and posttest. The lowest pretest value is 57 and the highest is 67. After being given group counseling with the assertive training technique, the lowest posttest value is 88 and the highest is 92.
The p-value of 0.012 is much smaller than 0.05 (general significance level). In this case, there is very strong evidence to conclude that there is a significant difference between the average Pretest and Posttest. So that group counseling services with effective assertive training techniques can improve assertiveness in Madrasah Aliyah students.