Abstract :
Stunting is a growing problem in children, and it is still very common in Indonesian society. On this question of stunting, the researchers want to go deeper into the synchronization of the stunting deployment in Jombang District. This research aims to find out how to optimize the role of the government in the synchronization of stunting deployments in Jombang District, as well as to know what factors are inhibiting the sync of such stunting. This research was carried out in Jombang District, using methods of qualitative research. The data collection technique in this study is by observations and interviews, as well as the informant in this research is a total of 7 sources. The results of the research showed the various roles of the government in the effort to synchronize stunting deployment in Jombang district, one example being by creating a technology of several applications used to help in stunting. The research also addresses the obstacles to the synchronization of stunting deployments in Jombang district, namely the delay factor in the deployment of the latest stunting data by the frame, and there are also obstacles caused by the application itself. In this study, researchers obtained information related to the synchronization of the stunting deployment can influence the decrease in the number of stunts in Jombang District.