Abstract :
Stunting is a disruption in the growth and development of children due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, which is characterized by their length or height being below standard. The aim of the research is the role of transformational leadership in alleviating stunting in Mojokambang village, Bandarkedungmulyo subdistrict, Jombang district. This research uses a qualitative method using in-depth interviews, participant observation as a data collection technique and FGD. Meanwhile, the technique for determining research informants was purposive and data analysis using the Miles and Haberman model. Triangulation is also used as a technique for checking the validity of research data. The results of this research are that the problem of stunting is related to knowledge which is related to mindset, knowledge, information, some people have access and some people do not know about stunting. However, those who 'know/don't know' cannot meet health standards because of the family's economic conditions (lower economic), so the role of the village government is collaborative through transformation carried out by the village head by making 'self-regulation' efforts by trying to change mindsets by improving awareness among the community by conducting regular education, both formal and informal, so that the village government prepares infrastructure starting from treatment sites, human resources (cadres), programs, to the village budget to reduce stunting.