Implementasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Pebentukan Akhlak Siswa SMA A Wahid Hasyim 4 Gudo Jombang, Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Darul Ulum University, Jombang, 2024.
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Universitas Darul ulum
Syaifuddin, Mochamad
Pendidikan Agama Islam 
2024-10-06 02:48:35 
Abstract :
This research topic discusses how to implement Islamic religious education learning in forming morals for students at SMA A Wahid Hasyim 4. This research purpose is how to implement Islamic religious education learning at SMA A Wahid Hasyim 4 Gudo Jombang and what factors teachers face in forming students? morals at SMA A Wahid Hasyim 4 Gudo Jombang. This research method is qualitative research carried out through an inductive process, namely starting from specific to general concepts, conceptualization, categorization and description in the development of basic problems that occured in the research field. The data source for this research was obtained from the results of interview data collection, observation and documentation, then the data was analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of Islamic religious education carried out at SMA A Wahid Hasyim 4 in class is in accordance with the learning steps. The Islamic Religious Study process uses the lecture method, telling exemplary stories from which positive values can be taken and also using the question and answer method. Outside of the learning process, the formation of students' morals is carried out by carrying out religious habituation activities such as rows in the school yard by reading prayers together, midday prayers in congregation before entering class, midday prayers in congregation held in the school yard. Supporting factors are teachers, parents, environment, information media as well as time for discipline, student interest and infrastructure. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are limited time, lack of awareness among students, lack of ability to use cellphones in a positive way, environmental factors, lack of religious education in the family and attention from parents and also lack of facilities and infrastructure. 
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Universitas Darul ulum