Abstract :
This thesis research was motivated by public complaints regarding the Tumpah Citra Niaga Market which is located on Jalan Seroja and Jalan KH. The Jombang Regency pulpit is in a chaotic, dirty condition and often causes traffic jams, especially in the morning. This complaint was then responded to by the Jombang Regency Government by carrying out arrangements as stated in Jombang Regency Regional Regulation Number 16 of 2012 concerning Guidelines for the Arrangement and Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores. The arrangement carried out by the Jombang Regency Government through the Jombang Regency Trade and Industry Service is the policy of relocating Tumpah Citra Niaga Market traders to a new location which has been included and approved in the discussion of the 2022
Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (P-APBD) discussions together with the DPRD Jombang Regency. The purpose of this thesis research is to determine the factors that influence the implementation of the Tumpah Citra Niaga Market relocation policy by the Jombang Regency Government in the development and arrangement of traditional markets. The research method used is a qualitative research method. To analyze policy implementation using the policy implementation model by George Edward III. The results of the research show that the implementation of the Tumpah Citra Niaga Market relocation policy is influenced by factors such as communication, resources, disposition and
bureaucratic structure which have not been implemented properly, thus making it difficult to implement the Tumpah Citra Niaga Market relocation policy by the Jombang Regency Trade and Industry Office.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Market Relocation, Tumpah Citra Niaga Market.