Abstract :
Vivin Rahayu. 2024. The Effectiveness of Behavior Counseling with Assertive Training Techniques to Increase Students' Self-Efficacy. Thesis, Guidance and Counseling. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Darul 'Ulum University Jombang. Supervisor (1) Dra. Hj Miftahul Djanah, M.Pd.I. (2) Wisnu Kurniawan, M.Pd.
Keywords: Behavior Counseling, Assertive Training Technique, Self-Efficacy
The nature of behavior is the systematic application of learning principles and techniques in an effort to cure behavior. The assumption is that behavioral disorders are obtained through incorrect learning outcomes and therefore must be changed through the learning process, so that they can be more appropriate. Learners who have low self-efficacy often get poor learning achievement. So it is necessary to make efforts in providing counseling services in order to increase high self-efficacy for students.
This study uses a pre-experimental research design with a one-group pretest-posttest design pattern. The instrument used in this study is a Likert scale. The subject of this research is class VIII. Then a sample of 10 students was taken using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis in this study used t-test with the help of SPSS