Abstract :
In this research, the topic of study taken is about the roles played by abdi dalem students in the relationship patterns that exist at the Maimunah Fil Madinah Islamic Boarding School and their influence on the privileges of abdi dalem students at the Maimunah Fil Madinah Islamic Boarding School. This research was conducted at the Maimunah Fil Madinah Islamic Boarding School using the Natural Science method, which was studied using George Herbert Mead's Symbolic Interactionism Theory and supported by Peter M. Blau's Social Exchange Theory. The informants in this research consisted of male students and male civil servant students at the Mimunah Fil Madinah Islamic Boarding School.
This research revealed several findings regarding the role of abdi dalem santri, which consists of three main roles. First, they function as guardians of tradition and role models for all students, playing an important role in maintaining and preserving the values of the Islamic boarding school. Second, Abdi Dalem students act as intergenerational liaisons, facilitating communication and the transfer of knowledge between the older and younger generations. Third, they act as assistants to the kiyai, whose job it is to assist in carrying out various activities at the Islamic boarding school. The roles carried out by Abdi Dalem students give them a number of significant privileges. First, they gain special trust from the kiyai and also from other santri, which shows a closer relationship with greater responsibility. Second, having exclusive access to the ndalem, where the kiyai live, is a privilege that not all Santri have. Third, their existence contributes to the formation of social status among caregivers and students, creating a clear hierarchy in the structure of the Islamic boarding school community. Fourth, Abdi dalem students are also provided with better facilities and infrastructure, supporting their learning activities and daily lives at the Islamic boarding school.
Keywords: Abdi dalem, role of Santri, privilege, Islamic boarding school.