Abstract :
This research aims to identify students' misconceptions in the Thayyibah Masyaallah and Subhanallah sentence material class IV MI Bustanul Ulum Badas Sumobito Jombang. The focus of this research is to find out the types of student misconceptions that occur in the Thayyibah Masyaallah and Subhanallah Sentence material in grade 4 MI Bustanul Ulum Badas Sumobito Jombang and find out the factors that cause student misconceptions that occur in the Thayyibah Masyaallah and Subhanallah Sentence material in grade 4 MI Bustanul Ulum Badas Sumobito Jombang. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach with a data collection method using observation methods, interviews, Three Tier Test, and documentation. Then data analysis techniques by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. The results of this study show that, The type of misconception of students that occurs in the subject of Aqidah Akhlak Sentence material Thayyibah Masya Allah and Subhanallah in grade 4 MI Bustanul Ulum Badas is a False Negative misconception of (39.66%). There are factors that cause misconceptions in the form of incomplete reasoning or reasoning of students and learning resources based on the Akidah Akhlak package book which has a double meaning in the use of the sentences Thayyibah Masya Allah and Subhanallah.