Abstract :
Teenager is period transition from children to age adulthood begins between 10 and 19 years (WHO, 2013). One individual develop from facet maturity sexual , maturity psychological as well as pattern identification from children become mature And happen transition from the dependent full on socio-economic more condition independent is a future become highlight Because later teenagers who will become successor nation And teenager prone to will affected negative things One biggest conflict happen among teenager is " Drug " abuse , among others Narcotics , Psychotropics And Substances Addictive other ( Drugs ) From p that so researcher interested For do study to teenagers in Jombang City , with title ? Effectiveness Service Guidance Group Technique Giving Information For Prevention Abuse Drugs On Teenager ". How Effectiveness Service Guidance Group in Increase Understanding Teenager about The ingredients Abuse Drugs in Jombang City ? For know Effectiveness Service Guidance Group in Increase Understanding Teenager about The ingredients Abuse Drugs in Jombang City . Type study This is study quantitative experiment . On study experimenter , researcher using Pre- Experimental Designs with One Group Pretest Posttest Design method . Technique deep data collection study This use observation And questionnaire in form scale likert with population as many as 30 teenagers And election sample with using purposive sampling as many as 10 teenagers who experienced it level no you know tall .
Study This using Paired Samples t-test for analyze data with the results show that There is difference knowledge teenager before And after giving service guidance group with technique giving substantiated information from results test hypothesis that is Sig .000 < 0.05 so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted . So can concluded that there is difference understanding teenager before And after treatment and service guidance group with technique giving information effective For reduce no you know teenager about the ingredients abuse drugs in Jombang .