Abstract :
The thesis entitled "Effectiveness of Village Fund Management on Community Empowerment in Betek Village, Mojoagung District, Jombang Regency (Case Study of Betek Village, Mojoagung District)" is the result of a case study qualitative research that aims to see the effectiveness of village funds on community empowerment in Betek Village, Mojoagung District, Regency Jombang. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation.
The results of the study show that the management of village funds for community empowerment has been said to be very effective, for irrigation canal maintenance programs, Opt Tikus, Facilitation of Ops. GSI Group, PUSKESOS Facilitation & Operations, and Assistance with work business equipment, and ineffective programs, namely training on fertilizer production. This is evidenced by the researchers conducting an effectiveness analysis using the theory of Kettner, Martin, and Monorey which refers to five components, namely Effort (effort), Cost efficiency (Cost Efficiency), Result (result), Cost Effectiveness (Cost Effectiveness), and Impact. By using these five components, it can be concluded that the management of village funds in Betek Village, Mojoagung District, can be said to be very effective.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Village Funds, Community Empowerment