Abstract :
The problem of parking areas in the Jombang Complementary Hospital area is a phenomenon that deserves to be studied. The purpose of this study is to determine the availability of parking lots at complementary hospitals, identify parking characteristics and find out the arrangement and circulation of vehicles in parking lots at complementary hospitals in Jombang. The method used to analyze the results of this study uses the parking space unit method from the Director General of Land Transportation 1996 and the Parking Characteristics Analysis from Hobbs 1995. The total area of the parking lot at the Jombang Complementary Hospital is 1819 m2 with a motorcycle parking space unit of 0.75 meters x 2 meters with 66 parking spaces while for the car parking space is 2.5 meters x 5 meters with 43 parking spaces. The area of the parking area at the Jombang Complementary Hospital has provided a large space but there is a lack of land use for parking so that arrangement or arrangement is needed based on needs. The research methods used are literacy studies, scientific observations, documentation and literature studies. The results of the study show that the volume of motorcycle vehicles entering the parking area is 348 vehicles, and for cars is 99 vehicles. The accumulation of two-wheeled vehicles is the highest as many as 141 and for cars as many as 52, while the parking capacity is based on the area of the parking lot with the effective size of the area to place vehicles as many as 135 motorcycle parking spaces and for cars as many as 46, with a parking index (IP > 1) so that it can be concluded that the availability of parking spaces is lower than the parking needs.
Keywords:Parking lot arrangement, parking lot availability, parking characteristics