Abstract :
Reading is one of the language skills that must be taught to English language
learners. Through reading, readers can gain many kinds of information. It can be
said that reading is the process of understanding or comprehending information
from the text. Since English is a foreign language (EFL) especially for Indonesian
students, reading is a very important skill to master. However, many students still
get difficulties to comprehend the texts that they read. One of the problems is
because they still find many unfamiliar words in the text. Due to those conditions,
the use of the appropriate technique is expected to help students in teaching
reading comprehension. By using Semantic Mapping technique, it could help
students to explain how to categorize the word meanings. Semantic Mapping
technique also helps students develop their reading comprehension by connecting
words/phrases and also concepts to make it related to one another. Thus, in this
research, the researcher used Semantic Mapping Technique to teach reading
comprehension in the classroom. This research was a classroom action research
that focused on the implementation of Semantic Mapping technique to solve the
students’ problem dealing with the reading comprehension of the eighth-grade
students at SMPN 8 Jember. This school was purposively chosen because the
eighth-grade students had a common problem in reading comprehension. The
students were found to have difficulty in understanding the material of reading