A Person Deixis Analysis in Song Lyric of Maher Zain Album
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Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
YULAN ALI (STUDENT ID : 321408127)
Prof. Dr KARTIN LIHAWA, M.Pd (LECTURER ID : 0002085702)
SRI WIDYARTI ALI, S.Pd, M.Hum (LECTURER ID : 0006098201)
L Education (General) 
2012-09-20 00:00:00 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Yulan Ali (2012) : A Person Deixis analysis of song Lyric in Maher Zain’s Album. This research deals with pragmatic field. It analyzes personal deixis in discourse of Maher Zein’s Album. I choose this topic because in listening a song the listeners sometimes get difficulty to determine the exact meaning of person deixis in songs. The data are taken from Maher Zein’s song in Thank You Allah Album. The first objectives of this research is to identify the kinds of person deixis song lyric in Maher Zein’s Album and the second is to analyze the reference meaning of person deixis on song lyric in Maher Zein’s Album. In this research, I use descriptive qualitative method. The first techniques of data analysis is reading the song lyrics of Maher Zain;s songs. Second is identifying the person deixis in song lyric. Third is classifying the person deixis. The last is analyzing the reference meaning of person deixis in Maher Zein’s songs by using interpretative analysis. The result of this research shows that there are three kinds of person deixis which is used in Maher Zein Album namely, first personal deixis, second personal deixis and third personal deixis. The person deixis that most dominant used are first personal deixis I and We. Then second personal deixis is You while the third personal deixis are He and They. The reference meaning of first personal deixis I and We refers to the singer and second personal deixis You refers to a woman, Allah, Muhammad and people as the hearer. While the third personal deixis He refers to Allah. Key words : Person Deixis, Song Lyric  
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Universitas Negeri Gorontalo