Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Drs PERRY ZAKARIA, M.Pd (LECTURER ID : 0017086408)
H.S. PANIGORO (LECTURER ID : 0001058501)
L Education (General)
2018-05-03 00:00:00
Abstract :
Hamdan Laudje. Student Id 411 412 102. Relationship between Student's Learning Independence and Maathematics Learning Achievement at class VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Telaga. Skripsi. Departement of mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. State University Of Gorontalo. Principal supervisor is Drs. Perry Zakaria, M.Pd and Co-supervisor is Hasan S. Panigoro, S.Pd. M.Si
The research aims at understanding the relationship between students' learning independence and mathematics learning achievement. It was survey research through applying correlational technique. There were two research variabels such as students' learning indenpendence (X) and mathematics learning achievement (Y). The research population and sampling were 270 student from classes. Questionnaire on students' learning indenpendence and test on matemathics learning achievement were determined as research instrument. They had been verified by validity and reliabilitythrough staticial test.
The hypothesis verification appllies simple correlation regression analysis. It aims at investigating the relationship between students' learning indenpendence (X) and mathematics learning achievement (Y). Researching findings revealed that there was positive relationship as value of rxy was 1,91 while level of significance applied determination coefficient (rxy)2 for 3,65. It can be concluded that there was 3,65% of students' learning indenpendence toward mathematics learning achievement as it was observed from regression equation Y = a + bX = 10,65 + 7,26
Keywords: Students' learning indenpendence, Mathematics Learning Acievement