Universitas Hasanuddin
Muhammad Akhyarul Amal (STUDENT ID : A021171805)
Dr. H. Muhammad Toaha, SE., MBA. (LECTURER ID : 0019126010)
Shinta Dewi Sugiharti Tikson, SE., M.Mgt. (LECTURER ID : 0030058105)
HB Economic Theory
2022-01-12 03:58:15
Abstract :
This study is to determine effect of product quality, process, service quality and promotion on purchasing decision of customers Tahapan Xpresi in Makassar. The study examine how product quality, process, service quality, and promotion affecting customer purchase decision. Survey research approach is used by distributing structured questionnaire to a sample size of 97 respondents from BCA Tahapan Xpresi customers. Since this research is accommodating four independent variables and one dependent variable, the statistical analysis using Multiple Regression Model and data processed through SPSS 25. By the significance of the result of hypotheses test, showed that product quality, process, and service quality has contributed significant toward customer purchase decision and promotion has not contributed significant toward customer purchase decision.On the other hand, this research found that customer purchase decision is affected by product quality.