Abstract :
GILANG KARISMA FEBRITIARA. A.1210174. Growth and Production
Responses of Red Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) to Different Frequency of Cattle
Urine Administration and Rates of Urea Fertilizer. Under immediate supervision
of Oktavianus and Setyono.
This study was aimed at assessing the growth and production responses of red
lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) to different frequency of cattle urine administration and
rates of urea fertilizer. The study was conducted at the Agrotechnology Trial
Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Djuanda University, Bogor from January to
February 2019. A factorial completely randomized design with 2 factors was used.
Each factor consisted of 4 levels and 3 replicates were allocated into each level
making up 48 experimental units. In each experimental unit, 3 polybags of lettuce
plants were used making up 144 observation units. Frequency of cattle urine
administration consisted of no cattle urine administration (U0), one cattle urine
administration at 5 days after planting (DAP) (U1), 2 times cattle urine
administration at 5 and 10 DAP (U2), and 3 times cattle urine administration at 5,
10, and 15 DAP (U3). Urea fertilizer rates consisted of 0% (N0), 50% (N1), 100%
(N2), and 150% (N3). Results showed that frequency of cattle urine
administration and rates of urea fertilizer significantly affeceted the growth and
production of red lettuce. Frequency of cattle urine administration of U3
significantly increase leaf width, leaf area, biomass fresh weight, and root fresh
weight. Urea fertilizer rate of 100% (N2) significantly increased leaf width. It was
also found that, compared to other treatments, 3 times cattle urine administration
gave better results.
Key words: frequency, Lactuva sativa, cattle urine