Abstract :
MAIJAR DINATA. A.1510891. Analysis of Rice Consuption and Seed Breeder
Farming in Purwabakti Village Pamijahan District Bogor Regency. Under the
guidance of Himmatul Miftah and Siti Masithoh.
Seed is one of the inputs that has an important role in rice production. This
research aims to (1) knowing the performance of consumption rice farming and
seed breeding in Purwabakti Village Pamijahan District, (2) knowing the level of
income of consumption rice farmers and seed breeders in Purwabakti Village
Pamijahan District, and (3) knowing the level of analysis of revenue cost ratio
income to the cost of consumption of rice farming and seed breeder in Purwabakti
Village Pamijahan District. The research method used is quantitative analysis:
income analysis, R/C, breakeven/BEP, and t test analysis with descriptive
qualitative analysis. The analysis shows that: (1) The performance of seed raising
rice farming is seen from the age of the farmers, the highest is 40 percent, aged
31-50 years, the level of education, dependents, land ownership, the largest area
of arable land 50 percent has 1,1 to 1,5 hectares, the status of farming as a
principal livelihood. Meanwhile, the consumption of rice farming with the highest
age of farmers is 33 percent, aged 51-60 years, the level of education, dependents,
land ownership, the largest area of arable land 67 percent has 0,1 to 0,5 Ha, the
status of farming as the main livelihood. (2) The income of seed raising rice
farming from 1 hectare of land is Rp 23.728.288 with a total revenue of Rp
35.641.000 and a total cost of Rp 11.912.712. The income of the consumption rice
farmer from 1 hectare of land is Rp 16.516.78 with a total revenue of Rp
27.257.900 and a total cost of Rp 10.741.222. (3) R/C analysis results of seed
breeding farms form 1 Ha land area of 2,99 and breakeven/BEP (price) of Rp
2.261, breakeven/BEP (product) obtained 886 per kilogram, and breakeven/BEP
(revenue) in the amount of Rp 5.517.678. While the results of the R/C analysis of
consumption rice farming from 1 Ha land area of 2,54 and the breakeven/BEP
(price) of Rp 2.089, the breakeven/BEP (product) is obtained 1.081 per kilogram,
and the breakeven/BEP (revenue) amounting to Rp 5.707.444. Based on the
results of the t test analysis, the calculated t value is greater than t table, with a
probability value of less than 0,05 meaning H0 is rejected or H1 is accepted,
because there is a significant difference between the average seed breeder income
with rice consumption.
Key Word: rice farming, seed breeding, rice consumption, income