Abstract :
MIRA NURMALA A.1610896. Substitution of Concentrate Protein with
Indigofera Protein in Cattle Rations. Under immediate supervision of Dede Kardaya
and Deden Sudrajat.
Indigofera sp. is a relatively new developed legume tree in Indonesia. This tree
spreads out the tropical regions in Asia, Africa, and North and South America. This
legume is potential to develop and utilize as a feed source plant particularly for dairy
goats. This study was aimed at assessing the effects of feeding indigofera leaves on
milk production, milk specific gravity, milk fat content, and milk protein content.
The study was conducted at Wijaya Waluya Farm in Kampung Pasir Ipis, Bojong
Koneng Village, Sentul City, Bogor, West Java from July to September 2018.
Twelve FH cows at their 2nd lactation period were allocated into a completely
randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replicates. Treatments consisted of
rations containing 0% indigofera leaf meal (control, R0), 5% indigofera leaf meal
(R1), 10% indigofera leaf meal (R2), and 15% indigofera leaf meal (R3). Data were
subjected to an analysis of variance and a Duncan test. Measurements were taken on
milk production, milk specific gravity, milk fat content, and milk protein content.
Results showed that no significant differences (P>0.05) were found in all parameters
Key words: indigofera, milk fat, milk production, dairy cattle