Abstract :
M. Fadhil Fathwa. A.1510874. Growth Respons and Yield of Hibride Chilli
(Capsicum annuum L.) in the Application of the Concentration of neem leaves
and banana weevil. Under immediate supervision of Oktavianus and Yanyan
The purpose of this study was to determine the growth response and yield of
hybrid chili plants in the application of the concentration of neem leaves and
banana weevil. This research was conducted in March to July 2019 in the
Gapoktan Repeh Rapih Garden, Sukamantri Village, Tamansari District, Bogor
Regency, West Java. This research used factorial randomized block design (RBD)
consisting of two factors, namely, the composition of the neem leaf extract and the
processing of banana weevil extract. The concentration of neem leaf extract used
consists of four levels, namely: 1). M0 = 0% (Control), 2). M1 = 15% (15 ml
neem + 100 ml water), 3). M2 = 30% (30 ml neem + 100 ml water), M3 = 45%
(45 ml neem + 100 ml water). The concentration of banana weevil extract consists
of four levels, namely: 1). P0 = 0% (Control), 2). P1 = 15% (15 ml of banana
weevil + 100 ml of water), 3). P2 = 30% (30 ml of banana weevil + 100 ml of
water), P3 = 45% (45 ml of banana weevil + 100 ml of water). The results of this
study indicate that the administration of banana weevil concentration gave the best
results in the treatment of P3 banana weevil with a level of 45% that affected the
increase in plant height and number of branches. Canopy width variables showed
results at P3 (45%) and M1 (15%) significantly higher than other treatments. The
administration of banana weevil extract concentration in P2 (30%) and P3 (45%)
treatments markedly increased the diameter of plant stems. On the variables of
intensity of aphids atta
ck, 30% neem leaf extract showed significantly smaller results compared to other
treatments, but not significantly different from 45% treatment.
Key words: chili, banana weevil, neem,